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Here's what we do

OneHealthGoal is an online health clinic that helps ladies in their health and wellbeing journey using naturopathic medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that emphasises the use of natural remedies and therapeutic techniques to support the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. Our main area of focus is on gut healing which we believe is the root cause of lots of issues we face.

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Read the Blog

Got a question about how we’re organised, applying to work for us, or looking for financial or shareholder information? View more Q&A here
June 17, 2023

Liberated from Arthritis: My Personal Journey to Healing I want to offer hope and inspiration to others who may be suffering from arthritis. Through dedication and a holistic approach, I was able to improve my condition and regain control of my life through very simple steps. Seeking Professional Guidance: When I was first diagnosed with arthritis, I sought the guidance of medical professionals who specialised in the condition. I consulted with rheumatologists and other experts who provided me with a deeper understanding of my specific type of arthritis and the available treatment options. I didn't realise I suffering from this chronic condition for more than 10 years as I so detached from visiting the doctors regularly and taking my health seriously. I honestly believed I was having minor joint pains that most people get and didn't think anything of it. There was one day in particular where my fingers were almost frozen and I couldn't type on the keyboard at work! No Access to Medication Professionals: I got my blood results and report just before lockdown and so I didn't have the luxury of visiting the hospital regularly to seek proper advice and get medication immediately. I started reading up on the subject and recognised, the importance of a healthy lifestyle and better habits was key in making a positive change to my condition. OneHealthGoal I was offered free advice from a health coach who works at the online clinic and following that, I adopted a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, …

May 9, 2023

If you find yourself fiending for something sweet at odd times, be that late-night snacking, or maybe between-meal snacking, you’re not alone. Many people feel the urge to snack on something sweet and satisfying. You may find yourself asking the question, why am I craving sugar? By the end of this blog post I hope I can uncover some underlying issues associated with this common problem.

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Frequently asked questions

You can get started by booking your free 30 mins discovery call with us. Simply fill out the booking form here and we will be in touch.

Before we begin working together and walk this journey with you, we will have a free discovery call. You will then be able to decide what service is best suited i.e. Consultations or Coaching.

Both of these will benefit you, click here to read more about this.

Our Coaching Package is 3 months and is more popular as clients want to work with us for coaching benefits and accountability.

We will be there to support you throughout your journey.

Free discovery calls are 30 mins and this is where we start.

This will be followed by a 90-minute Case History Questionnaire (done on video/phone).

Click on our services page for more details.

We established an online clinic so our services are currently provided online via video and phone. We do not have a fixed base clients can visit at present.